New York Central Lima-Hamilton A-3174 6210, Englewood, Chicago, Illinois, March 14, 1965, photo by Chuck Zeiler. Built on order #1217-DE (order placed February 6, 1950), construction #'s 9423-9438, for 16 1200 hp road switchers, delivered as #5800-5815. Numbers 5800-5801 built August 1950, #'s 5802-5811 built September 1950, 5812-5815 built October 1950. The units weighed 247,500 lbs. I also found a reference to re-numbering in a book entitled, "Railroad Locomotive Rosters", stating that the 5800-5815 series was re-numbered 6200-6215, classed as DRSP-5a, and that #'s 6200-6204, 6206-6209, 6212-6215 had steam generators removed and re-classed DRS-5a, T.E. 60,200, weight 240,800. In looking at photos of similar models from Lima-Hamilton, they have a single rectangular exhaust stack, oriented lengthwise on the hood, located forward near the radiator. This exhaust arrangement is not Lima-Hamilton, and I cannot find reference to an EMD re-engine job at Andre's Serial number site, so perhaps this is a re-engine job by the NYC. |