ATSF 543 sure looks like an H-15-44 or H-16-44 to me but the roster calls it an H-12-44TS. Anyway, I'm glad {o get this photo. Sorry, I don't remember the exact date. This unit was in excellent condition, cosmetically, when I got this grab shot, using a 2X doubler and an 80-200mm zoom `ens, from a good ways away. Whatever happened to this unit? NOTE: According to recent photos, this unit is now at the Illinois Railway Museum, wearing what looks like AAR Type-A&switcher trucks. The fence and top-rail obscures the trucks in my photo here, but those look like F-M trucks to me. Here's the link to the IRM photo: http://www.rr-fallenflags.`rg/irm/atsf0543gga.jpg |