BNSF 1793 (with the back of BNSF 1872) in the Vancouver service & top-off lane under raining conditions. Both last found by us in Pasco, WA eight months prior in early spring 2015. (Yes, that shouldnt really count for 1872 and I _should_ have got a better picture, but between the rain, evil eye from the better half due to approaching Rail Police SUV - figured someone, somewhere, was trying to give me a hint it was time to pack it up... even if I _was_ on public right-of-way, I was getting soaked enough without having to stand in it while my drivers license is run (yet again) - couldnt we just sign up for a Get Out Of Jail Free card from our local rail office? A lanyard with fluorescent orange "Stupid, Not Dangerous" in big bold letters to hang around our necks while taking pictures of trains? Just a thought.) |